إحصائيات الاقتصاد
اهم الاحصائيات
الانفاق العام علي الصحة
الانفاق العام علي التعليم
الانفاق العام علي الجيش
السيارات المنتجة
هذا العام
المركبات المنتجة
هذا العام
الحواسيب المنتجة
هذا العام
مراجع واختصارات مهمة:-
- Human Development Report 2013- United Nations
- Global Education Digest 2012- Unesco Institute for Statistics (UIS)
- World Bank Public Expenditure Database- edstats - World Bank
- SIPRI: data on military expenditure
- UN Department for Disarmament Affairs
- UN Institute for Disarmament Research
- Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
- International Atomic Energy Agency
- OICA - (Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d'Automobiles) - The International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers comprising 43 national trade associations around the world, including all major automobile manufacturing countries, thereby covering virtually the entire motor vehicle industry all over the world.
- ACEA - European Automobile Manufacturers' Association
- Global Auto report [Pdf file]- monthly analysis of auto sale figures and forecasts byScotiaBank
- The Physics Factbook - number of cars(2001)
- WordMapper: passenger cars
- Number of U.S. Aircraft, Vehicles, Vessels, and Other Conveyances(1960-2005) by theBureau of Transportation Statistics- BTS (U.S. Department of Transportation)
- Automobile History- The History of Cars and Engines (About.com)
- Bicycle Retailer and Industry News- the leading source of news and information about the bicycle industry in North and South America, Europe and Asia
- National Biker Dealers Association
- WorldWatch Institute -Bicycle Production up slightly
- Bike Biz Statistics
- Bicycle statistics from Ibike.org
- United Nations Statistics Division
- Bike Europe - the web site for the global bicycling business
- European Bicycle Manufacturers Association
- Eurostat
- Japan Bicycle Promotion Institute
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